Sabot fairway aeration complete, cooler next week


The big aerators knocked out the Sabot fairways early in the week, poking 5/8" wide holes about 3" into the soil. This annual event helps the bermuda strengthen its root system as we head into the growing season. Manakin fairways will receive the same treatment in two weeks. After a mow this aeration is basically unnoticeable by the golfer.

The walk behind aerators took care of solid tine aerating all the tees and approaches. They are able to go a little tighter on their spacing and are much easier to maneuver around the greens and tee slopes.

And when we say walk behind aerator we are not kidding! David was running one of the three 648 aerators and clocked in over 22 miles on Tuesday! 

Our annual compost application went out in the rough this week as well. The humid air made it difficult to spread in the mornings but that also kept the dust and the smell down. This application is the base of our fertility in the rough for the year, putting down about 1 pound of nitrogen per thousand square feet. The bermuda in the rough is starting to finally wake up and compete against the Poa annua. We also have started making our summer pre-emerge application which included some selective herbicide that should shrink the Poa down to size over the next few weeks.

Our annual flowers are on site and have already started going in the ground. We will continue chipping away at the 200 flats next week.

The Sabot team continues to get around the new pool kitchen dialed in. Some new drainage was installed and the irrigation has been completed. This area will be prepped for sod Monday and sodded out Tuesday.

The pickleball courts have received some base paint but there are about two coats of color left to go. The thunderstorm threats have not been helpful here. Work on our new buildings has slowed as well due to backordered materials and the weather. We are trying to be patient but that is not our specialty!

Picture and video of the week! (No, the hawk did not record the video) Happy Mother's Day!