Cold but productive week

We took our shot at a giant live Christmas tree this year. A decent looking cedar was plucked from behind 1 Sabot green Monday morning and hauled up to the plaza with the excavator. The tree survived the wind on Tuesday and our team has been attempting to decorate it all week. It's not perfect but it is something different and should spark some conversation during the holiday season! We got the excavator back into its proper position quickly on Monday and dug out the left bunker on 12. This will most likely be the last bunker we renovate for a while until the weather warms back up a bit at night. The capillary concrete showed up Thursday and was laid out as the sun and temperatures rose back to comfortable levels. All finished up and ready for sand. The sand trucking company has been a little slow this week as we are still waiting on sand to finish up the right side bunker. We are due all 4 loads of sand today and tomorrow so these bunkers should be back in play early next week. ...