Sprigging is complete!

The final load of sprigs went down early this morning between 1:00 am and 5:00 am. The Modern Turf guys made a great call in firing up the planter as soon as the sprigs dropped around midnight. They beat the rain today and all the sprigs are on the ground! The sprig crew only missed 1 day out of 15 but they managed to get out 17 trailers out in 14 days. A little over 90,000 bushels of Latitude bermudagrass are now on the ground and growing. The weather has really been perfect thus far and we are probably a week ahead of where we thought we would be in getting the bermuda out which is a good thing!

As the last truck of sprigs headed our way we put the first cut on #3 yesterday. The mower was set low at an inch in order to encourage some lateral growth. Everything is on us now as we begin to actually grow in the golf course. We will update again on Thursday!