Heat Wave over!

We have completed a pretty impressive stretch of hot weather. Soil temperatures hit the 90's and surface temperatures were easily over 110 on multiple days in a row. Perfect weather for bermudagrass but miserable weather for bentgrass. Mother Nature delivered some dramatic relief on Tuesday with cool air and slow cool rain. The change was so dramatic that some fish in the pond on 15 suffered. The hot water from the top was pushed down and the cold water from the bottom was forced up, the pond literally flipped. A shortage in oxygen from the colder water caused a number of smaller fish to give up the ghost. We hope to continue installing appropriately sized bubblers like the one on 4 Sabot so this occurrence is lessened. Similarly on the greens the hot weather had limited gas exchange on the greens. The greens were vented with small needle tines on Tuesday to try and get more air moving through the system.

The greens on both sides were topdressed lightly in order to give some more protection to the crowns of the plants so that they can hold up better to mower traffic. You can see in any thin spot on the Sabot greens where on spring aeration occurred and healthy green turf resides. Overall health of the greens depends on proper cultural practices but of course that takes time to implement.

The approach on 5 Sabot was removed this week and replaced with Tahoma bermudagrass. Tahoma is very similar to Latitude with fine leaf texture and great winter tolerance. We will work the height down on this new sod over the next week of two as it is rooting in quickly.

The water continues to fly on the Manakin grow in. 1, 2, 8, 9,10 and 11 are greening up nicely. The sprigs that went down in 100 degree heat will certainly be slower to fill in than the first few holes we did in cooler weather. This is why we have 2 months to grow the course in. In addition we have sod budgeted to patch any voids that surface over the next few weeks as the sprigs grow.

3 and 4 have been mowed again at 1" height and fertilized. By mowing a few times a week we will push the bermuda laterally instead of vertically. We don't have much intention in letting the rough grow more than 1.5" or so in season.

The big roller is out and about smashing things smooth again. The bermuda doesn't mind and it actually helps more plant nodes make more contact with the soil. We unhooked the reverse beeper so Mr. Norman could enjoy his beauty sleep.

18 is greening up but certainly behind where #3 was at 2 weeks. This is no fun looking at the areas everyday but for sure they are growing and filling in. The next two weeks will be exciting as the first few holes will really start to take off and the rest of the course will have some green color. The weather looks like it wants to continue cooperating so we are in good shape!