Just another productive week
Everyone absolutely got after it this week on both sides. The Sabot tees, approaches and fairways were core aerated, verticut, cleaned up, topdressed in brushed in just two days.
This was really the first time a verticutter had been introduced to the Sabot fairways. The verticutter helped remove a massive amount of material that will help tighten up the canopy of the fairways as they grow back in.
The crew worked extra hours on Monday and Tuesday in order to sweep and remove thatch material produced from the process.
Over 200 tons of sand were applied to the fairways, approaches and tees and then brushed in. This entire process will help ensure these surfaces remain firm and healthy for the rest of the season.
Here is a quick reminder to scatter your cart traffic. Don't be a lemming. Spread out and help us keep the rough consistent.
Our crew continues to work tirelessly in front of the sprigging team. Every minute of the work day we are working to smooth imperfections in the rough, eliminate unnecessary beds, level drains and make sure the irrigation system is ready to go. In the afternoons we are pretty much all hands on deck to stay in front of the planter. There is a massive amount of work still taking place to make sure the grow in process is as complete as it can be.
The sprigging team continues to motor on. 11 is finished and 8 is in the process. By Saturday, 10 and 9 should be complete. If all goes well we will have all the sprigs on the ground by Wednesday. We have been very lucky with the weather so far, missing all the thunderstorms. Once all the sprigs are down, we could use a cloudy easy rainy day to recharge a little! (Ok we are currently getting a little bit of rain, very helpful!)
The sprig team took on a double load today, covering 8 and 11. It is a long 14+ hour day putting sprigs down and watering behind.
#3 is greening up nicely. We are backing the water down here and it is slowly turning itself back into a golf course.
The latitude is green and growing!
14 is not far behind. The green up so far has been very encouraging. This project is moving along nicely!