Perfect weather this week again!

 Another week of excellent weather is upon us and the golf courses have again firmed up nicely for the 3 day Men's Member Member. The Sabot being only 17 days removed from veritcutting and aerating has recovered pretty well considering there have been 0 nights above 60 degrees in September. Next week we will lay down a little more fertilizer along with our first big round of pre-emerge herbicide for the fall/winter germinating Poa annua.

The bunker noses may of received their final mow of the year. We are excited to keep going with the Manakin bunker renovations this November and keep swapping out dirty sand in other bunkers and checking depths as mowing demands subside.

We have been fighting tire marks on the greens from the sprayer all year. We had blamed high iron in the water and a variety of different products with some sort of salt content. This week though a lock nut on the front tie rod worked itself so loose it became obvious that the front end was way out of alignment and one tire was basically skidding across the green instead of tracking straight. Dunstano straightened us back out and locked things up so that we are back to normal after a greens application.

All 20 fans are off the golf course! We have never had them in before the end of September so not only are the views improved but the power bill should see a little relief as well.

It is Manakin's turn for greens aeration on Monday. Manakin will be closed Monday through Wednesday next week so we can spend time working sand into the 1/4" holes and applying pre-emerge to the short grass. These 20 year old greens have performed extremely well this summer. They are firm, fast, healthy and consistent. A strong root system along with proper metering of nutrients and water allow us to push the greens to the edge when the weather is right. Both courses are presenting a proper test for this weekend, good luck!