Just like that summer is over!
Who knows what October will bring but we don't see any temperatures above 83 for September and that is amazing. The greens are filling in nicely a week out from their aeration. For the first time ever we will not have any fans on for September and they will be coming down next week.
The Manakin greens continue to be topdressed and now lightly brushed in on "Monday's". They are rolling great and the Sabot greens will be catching back up very soon. Manakin greens will receive the same aeration as Sabot on Monday and Tuesday September 16 and 17.
There is a significant difference in verticutting recovery between the Vamont and a newer bermuda. The Vamont needs another week of growth, especially in the shade. While the greens are enjoying the 50 degree nights, the bermuda is slowing down quickly. This Sabot verticutting will move to June for next year.
Sloan put out some selective herbicide in the native areas Wednesday aiming for bermuda. Our normal procedure has been to injury the bermuda in these cool season natives on its way in to dormancy and then let winter and some spring mowings do the rest.
The bunker machine found its way into all the bunkers early this week. The rain late last week had the sand packed down a little too tight so the bunker rake ran through and loosened things up. The looser sand also made it a little easier to get the faces raked up and reset by hand.
Some late season nitrogen went out into the Sabot rough today to help keep it moving into the fall. The next few weeks will see some potassium applications to the short grass as well as our fall pre-emerge hitting the ground.
Try to enjoy the beautiful weather as much as Boomer is!