2.5 weeks until spring, plenty of moisture out there!
We have now clicked over 14 inches of rain since December 1st and have not had many stretches over 5 days with out a rain drop. Our patience is wearing thin on the pickleball project so we decided to cover the fill area with tarps early in the week.
Today (Thursday) we worked all day hauling softer soil up to the dump. This extra 6-8 inches will give us more depth for gravel and enable us to firm this area up enough for asphalt. Geo fabric will be laid down tomorrow and then stone will be compacted back into this cut out area. This should defend against having rain slow us up any more and be on the path to completion. The asphalt company is about two to three weeks out and then the pavement has to cure for 30 days before it can be painted and played on.
On the other side of the complex our guys graded out the mud and sodded the area with tall fescue.
Stone walkways were laid in between each court to give solid access to the rear entry steps.
Fabric and larger cobble stones were laid on the hill besides court 1. These platform courts will open up Saturday afternoon with an open house hosted by the Tennis Professionals.
The golf courses have been holding up marginally well with all the rain and the Manakin irrigation project continues to move forward. The 13th and 5th green were wired up Monday which finishes the 9 greens we set out to do this winter.
The far side of the gas line is now completed as well. A quick trench through the trees connected the wire from 13 green over to 6 tees and then 5 green.
Here is one end of the conduit that runs in front of 6 tees that contains the irrigation pipe and the old set of wires. This old wiring on the 13 green side of the gas line was a constant problem and never reliable.
Now we can just rely on two new wires to hook all these heads together and run them properly. Bobby and Grant ran an extra wire through the conduit just for fun. Early next week we hope to finish up 6 fairway and be finished with running the wire. The crew is certainly excited to be finished with the digging! We'll still have plenty to accomplish afterwards in order to make sure everything runs and is labeled the way we need it. Maybe by the time we call it good to go it will stop raining!