Barely dried out but more rain on the way
The soaking rain this past Sunday brought close to 2 inches of rain with it. We have barely gotten ourselves into a full dry/wet cycle now which means we are drying out in between rains instead of just staying saturated like the past two months. With wet soils early in the week the guys focused on cleaning up the cartpath edges. The 10 miles of edging is almost complete with only a few holes on the front of the Sabot left.
The sun helped dry out our mud hole on 16 Sabot this week. The front bunker now has a taller face the bunker behind it is filled in.
The old drain on the right side of the approach is filled in and we are putting the finishing touches to the expanded approach area here to the right of the green where the second bunker used to be.
Tree work continued this week on both courses. Opening up sunlight pathways for our bermuda, alleviating cartpath damage and taking out dangerous trees are always our main goals with the tree work. Some of these oaks with hollow insides are very scary to be playing golf underneath!
Here is a pre-emergent miss on 14 Sabot fairway. We all know what the Sabot fairways would look like without any pre-emerge at all. We spot sprayed these small areas with some non-selective herbicide this week.
All 39 greens were topdressed Thursday in front of the next batch of rain. The topdressing helps the turf hold up to all the foot traffic, defend against ball marks and keep the surface smooth.
We have not seen much growth out of any of the greens over the past month due to the temperatures. The new greens are looking good though and may be in store for their first aeration next week.
The irrigation system is buttoned up on 14 and the contractors have turned the corner for home on 13.
It can't be overstated how good of an install this entire system is. The full HDPE fusion of every joint is a beautiful investment for the club. This lateral pipe and valve for 13 is tapped right into the top of the new mainline. Notice the new yellow two wire just laughing at the jumbled bunch of wires from the old system.
All the Sabot greens were sprayed with some fertilizer in front of the rain on Thursday, #4 always likes to stand out. 2023 may be the year of the Sabot!