A February Miracle - record temps and we have dried out!

The sun is coming up earlier and earlier! We will gain a full half hour of sunlight in the morning this month. The new greens on the Sabot back nine received their first aeration Thursday morning in front of the small heat wave. These tiny 1/8" cores were popped out of the sod and then the greens were rolled smooth again. We have been able to keep plenty of sand on them this winter which also aids in getting the sod seams healed up. These greens will be aerated again with the front nine with 1/4" tines on March 20 and 21. Our agronomic schedule is now up on the Blog pages section or just click here . It was amazing to finally have an entire week without rain. The Sabot team put in another large drainage system in the middle of two fairway this week. This fairway is probably our worst shaped fairway in that it collects water from both sides. This french drain will compliment the one we put in previously a little further from the green. This area was still relativ...