Cold and dry, bermuda growth slowing quickly

October is almost here and the fall temperatures have not disappointed over the past week or so. Bermuda growth is slowing down thanks to the low night time temps as well as the dry soil. The dryness will be addressed this weekend but the temps will stay low. We will be back to alternating days on the grass and mats on the Driving Range in October. We may run out of bermuda to hit off of sooner than later and then we will be on the mats until spring. 20,000 square feet of turf type tall fescue sod went down on the right of 3 Manakin this past Monday and Tuesday. The new sod has replaced the old wood chip bed and gives the hole a much nicer and wider look. The sod should root in over the next two weeks and then will be mowed at about 2.5". Visage has been set up to keep carts out of this area and please take the nearest point of relief with your ball if you happen to end up on this side. The newly installed irrigation is working nicely to keep the sod moist. This entire area can ...