11 days until Sabot F9 opens back up
Reminder: The Manakin greens will be aerated on this coming Monday. We will be Dryjecting and then simply pulling out tiny 1/4" cores. This is much less painful than the standard spring aeration and we will explain that philosophy next week!
We cut our first two cups in the Pure Eclipse this week and got the chipping green open. The bentgrass has been slowly recovering from aeration while the bermuda keeps going backwards.
Over the next 11 days we'll keep inching the mowing height down to try and match up with the back nine greens. The Pure Eclipse looks great and while it won't be at Augusta tournament speed on the 19th, it will be strong and healthy and ready for a great season.
The frost on Saturday did a number on our bermuda that was greening up. As the final sprinkler heads went in last weekend, the plywood from the workers protected a few spots in 1 fairway. The frost set up and smoked the leaves that weren't protected from the plywood. This backwards movement does not help us as far as getting the irrigation project cleaned up and looking fresh. We'll need to avoid frost again this weekend to be able to have things looking nicer on the 19th.
Over 2 acres of sod, be it around new features or sprinkler heads, has been laid since December. We have had just about 0 days of bermudagrass growing weather to date since then. If you are expecting super clean and filled in bermuda on April 19th then you may be disappointed. We are opening because the greens are ready and well rooted. The Sabot front nine will continue to be dialed in as the weather improves!
The main thing you can prepare for as you come onto the Sabot on the 19th is to repair your ballmarks. Here is a fresh mark on 18 green from Tuesday. Not looking for and fixing ballmarks because the greens are aerated is such a lazy and poor excuse. There are absolutely ZERO ballmarks on the front nine of Sabot. These greens are tough enough to take a mark and have it fixed properly. Not many memberships have the opportunity to keep their greens ballmark free, your chance to do this is 11 days away.