Hot, cold, whatever!

Nothing to see here besides a 60 degree gap that we are trying to grow bermuda grass in! Another 38 degree night last night doesn't help things but the bermuda is pushing through. The cold, dry weather this winter and early spring has the bermuda behind but it will prevail soon enough. The Sabot back nine fairways are thankfully getting their summer transition started. It is easy to see how the poa is getting burned out of 10 fairway after the higher temps last weekend. The vamont underneath is waking up. We'll be mowing these fairways lower to help continue stressing the cool season and encourage the bermuda to take the reins back. We made a final push to patch up some sodding projects around both courses this week. Besides replacing some small areas around the new sprinkler heads on the front nine we have continued to evaluate, clean up and reduce the size of some of our pine straw beds. This bed on 10 Sabot where the bald cypress used to be was raised up so water can flow ...