Super dry and making progress!


We have new sprinklers working on the Sabot! The water is actually charged up from 9 back to 6 tee. 5 fairway should be completed this weekend, leaving 4 back to 1 left for installation. The reason we are going backwards is simply because it was easier to start the mainline right at the pumphouse, on 9 green. It has been very dry, so the crew is moving along but we are still at about a week per hole pace. This puts us at the beginning of April for a completed install. Taking the other two weeks to clean things up and flatten out some disturbance will put us very close to the April 19th projected opening date.

Here is a video of the guys pulling the 2" lateral line across the fairway on 5. This is done essentially every 60 feet all the way through the golf course. Not a fast process and it takes quite an effort to prep and then repair around each valve and sprinkler head time and time again.

Every lateral line taps into the mainline. While the hole has to be large in able to fuse the HDPE pipe together, the hope is that any needed repairs will be the problem of another generation.

The greens on the front nine are looking good, they are probably in the lead already out of all 36 holes as far as root depth goes. We poked some solid tine holes in them this week and put the roller on them to try to keep smoothing the surface out.

One of our larger sod projects for the spring was here on 10 Sabot. This wild blown pine straw bed on the left of the path was graded out and prepped for sod. This bumpy length of cartpath will be replaced in the coming weeks.

Sod was lifted from left of the fairway here on 1 and repurposed over to 10 to cover that pine straw bed up. Next week we are going to soften these grass bunkers so carts can exit over a wider area.

Sod from one is now buttoned down on 10.

The dry week meant we could get one more drainage project done. The fairway on 13 Manakin loves to hold water and we have grown tired having to work around it. 

We mapped out some drain lines and went to work before our borrowed trencher needed to head back to its home up north.

In just two days we have seen this low area on 13 dry up pretty nicely. As the bermuda greens up again we should have much less of a problem here.

Jacob also took some time and leveled out the bird bath that was just off the path in 13 fairway.

With the new bunkers complete for the season, Joe has redirected the Manakin guys into getting the rest of the bunkers into shape. We are taking the bottom edge back a bit, checking depths, adding sand where necessary and smoothing everything out.

Things will be looking sharp as the grass greens up!