Upgrade time!
Painting is finished on the Manakin. The extra black in the mix helped. We will see how it holds up with the weather over the winter.
Mechanic's new work bench is up and running.
This green lean-to building in the middle of our shop area mainly served as a leaf catch.
It's gone and has opened up our shop area very nicely. We will have much better flow through the yard and more flexibility in where we place implements. The building will be replaced in a few years through the capital program with a proper building.
Our old cart fleet was lined up and traded in this week.
The new Yamaha fleet is outstanding. These carts have more room, better suspension, and more power for getting things done. Not to mention the glorious comfort of having a roof and a windshield to deflect whatever mother nature throws at us. The crew is ecstatic to be afforded these new rides! This cart fleet is even built into the operating budget now and does not impact the capital plan.
On to the big project for the week which was renovating and installing our test sand at the chipping green bunkers. We knew there had been some sand build up on these faces but we didn't realize it would be almost 18 inches deep!
The darker soil is the original shape of the bunker when constructed 8-10 years ago. All the sand on the top is simply from practice and the bunker not being rebuilt.
We used the excavator to carve off the extra sand build up. At least 20 tons came off the top of both bunkers.
Did you know the right bunker was designed to be shaped like the Manakin and the left modeled after the Sabot? We discovered a few more character features in these bunkers after the build up was removed.
Once completed you will be able to easily see and hit shots out of these bunkers without the faces being in the way. We will have the faces sodded back over on Friday. Next week we will install the new Capillary Concrete drainage system and install two different bunker sands for everyone to try. After a few weeks of trial we will pick one and then venture on to the Sabot to begin bunker renovations. Hopefully you can see how some of our new equipment is being put to use, thanks to all for your support!