Manakin aeration complete
The rain tried to slow us down a little Monday morning but our double aeration was completed easily by Tuesday afternoon. In front of the aeration pictured above we pulled small 1/4" cores out of the greens and blew off the debris. A heavy dose of sand followed and then 1/2" solid tines opened up more holes for the sand to fall in to. This mixture of different methods allows for a little less disruption while still removing organic matter and getting a large amount of sand introduced into the profile.
The past few springs we saw about 25 tons of sand go in to the greens but this year we wanted to get back to something more aggressive. Close to 70 tons of sand was put on the greens this week to ensure every hole was filled to the top. More holes and more sand should lead to a drier, firmer and more consistent surface this season.
The greens have been rolled a few times, including with the asphalt roller. We are looking forward to some rain this afternoon to wash some more sand in. The first dry cut will happen on Monday afternoon so look forward to these greens slowing down as they start growing again this weekend.
The white bunker sand started coming from the shop early on Tuesday and filling up the bunkers on 11. It takes about 23 tons to cover 1,000 square feet and there is almost 9,000 square feet of bunkers just on 11. You now have $41,000 more worth of drainage and bunker sand on 11!
The new drainage and concrete are not going anywhere for a long time however. As the sand gets dirty we can pull some off the top and replace with new bunker sand. We will start digging on 14 and 16 next week.