A little frozen out there


Temperatures have not been favorable for bermudagrass this month as we bottomed out at 9 degrees this morning. We are settling in to the 7th coldest January on record which is almost 6 degrees below normal. Last year we were 10 degrees ABOVE normal for January. The crazy artic air should start to move out tomorrow and we will be back to normal Sunday.

We still have some greens and pockets of holes in shady areas that remain covered in snow and ice. 12 and 14 green on the Manakin is just about completely incased in ice. We will let golf out Sunday but these holes may remain closed as they melt off. 

All 400 bunker rakes have been refurbished and are back out and ready to scrape across the frozen ice and sand. We are going to be lucky to even get the newly painted tee markers back in the ground by Sunday.

The guys have been tucked in inside the shop this week finishing up tee markers, bunker rakes and cleaning up traffic posts and equipment. We are even taking some time to fix up our wood chipper box but it will be back in action next week.

Hopefully we can get the shovels back in the ground next week and finish up #14 Manakin with the irrigation wiring. We are ready for some spring weather but that may be a while this year!!