Here come the leaves

With the driest October on record (can't be drier than 0" of rain) the leaves have gotten crispy up in the trees. The wind started howling yesterday and the oaks are starting to let loose. Normally it takes to the end of November to get all the leaves down but we may finished with them by Thanksgiving this year. The dry weather and lack of bermuda growth has simplified bunker maintenance this month for sure. The Manakin crew was able to edge the bottoms of their bunkers and get that 1" lip re-established this week. Next week they dive back into bunker renovations. November is here and that means a new Capital budget so it is project time. This winter we are aiming to complete all the Manakin bunkers with new drainage, liners and sand. On Monday we will start digging out 18 greenside bunkers and work backwards from there until it gets too cold to pour concrete. The remaining bunkers are 11, 13, 14, 16, 17 and 18. Once the weather turns colder we will slow down on bunkers...