Welcome to the Hermitage CC Olympics


We only host one sport out here on the golf course but the past 7 days have been filled with an amazing rack of events. Jordan Utley's morning practice putting sessions lead him to be crowned Club Champion on Sunday. We clicked off 80 more rounds of golf on Monday after 3pm and went right into the Ladies Club Championship Qualifier on Tuesday. Wednesday saw the first round of the Ladies Club Champ, the HSMGA regular play day, the MAPGA Assistant Professionals event, a Morgan Mussatt send off to the Women's US Amateur and some regular tee times in there for good measure for 250 rounds. Today Cindy Hollingshead dunked one on 7 Sabot during the second round of the Ladies Club Championship and the nine hole ladies hustled through the Manakin front nine with regular play going off the back. Friday we'll crown a Ladies Club Champion on the Sabot and host a one day Men's Member Guest then enjoy regular play all weekend (!) and get ready for the 3 day MAPGA Section Championship staring Monday on the Sabot. The golf course remains in outstanding shape so keep it coming!

That is 1,500 rounds over the past 7 days which really is right on the average for in season. Our ballmark trial continues to disappear as we finish week 2. Tour average greens in regulation is 65% so let's say our 1,500 people are making a ballmark every other hole. That is 750 ballmarks per week on every single green. If it takes 3 weeks for a ballmark to heal that means you have 2,250 out there. I think we look way better than that! The Pure Eclipse especially continues to shine through the heat and putt extremely well.

Sabot tees got a quick verticut and topdress this past Monday. We stretch the big verticutting until after the Valentine so it is nice to keep up with bermuda growth when we can. Staying closed until 3 on Monday's makes this along with getting some sand on the greens happen.

The guys patched up some edges on the Sabot and some north side of trees on the Manakin this week. Please try to avoid these sodded areas with your cart while it roots in over the next week.

The Manakin guys have been skimming some dirty sand out a few bunkers and installing a fresh 1 inch or so layer on top. 

The holly trees also got trimmed up a bit to make some more room for three new official evening parking spots behind the tap room. 

The aftermath of verticutting and topdressing is almost over. Carlos and Dunstano have been grinding reels all last week getting them back in to shape now that the sand and debris is gone from the Manakin. All 20 reels at about 90 lbs each are run through the grinder and receive new bed knifes to the tune of $80 a piece.

Looking this healthy and consistent is no accident!!

It is too hot for Boomer, he may be on vacation for next weeks Blog. Enjoy the steamy golf!