Two days of frost but some beautiful weather!

Here is the closest we got to a frost picture this week. Two mornings in the mid 30's froze up most of the leaf blades in the rough. Bermuda season is officially over. Thanks to Emily for the picture! If you look closely there is a candid shot of a bald eagle in the fairway enjoying the view. The greens verticutter got dusted off and put into action early on Monday. This process of thinning out any laid over bentgrass takes the entire day Monday. The single triplex verticutter has to travel to all 39 greens and the sand topdresser follows behind. Once the sand is dry it can be brushed into the canopy. The sand brushes in nicely and the grass clippings disappear. We ran irrigation quickly in the morning on Tuesday and the greens mowed out beautifully and have been rolling great all week. The excavator made its way out to 5 green Sabot to renovate the green side of the bridge which has been long overdue. Eligio and his team removed the old asphalt and laid in new brick pavers. Just ...