Fall golf engage!
The 5:30 am start for tournaments keeps getting darker. The lights are on and the fall weather is here. We are only a month away from the first frost!
We had a quick 3 days to get both courses in shape for the Men's Member Member. A couple of rain showers have kept the bermuda growing as well as the bentgrass but the days are numbered for the bermuda. Next week will start some of our pre-emerge winter applications to prevent Poa annua.
The lower humidity dropped in perfectly for the first day of Men's Member Member. The greens are trying to dry out and the more aggressive fixed head mowers are out on both courses. A double cut and roll for day 2 should have things rolling nicely. It has been almost three months since the last aeration on the Manakin greens so we are more than ready to punch some small 1/4" holes on this coming Monday and Tuesday. The holes will be filled with sand and still be able to recovery relatively quickly.
Our late summer herbicide to control bermuda and broadleaves in the native areas has been applied and we are starting to work through the more unruly ones with the flail mower.
The nursery green by the tennis courts was reseeded to Pure Eclipse bentgrass today. We saved a small portion of it to keep patching up heron bombs on the greens but the rest of the nursery will be ready in the spring. Next year we'll look to build a larger green out on 3 Sabot and start getting out of the way here around tennis.
The crew put in two more half days of work in the Pickle/paddle area this week. Only a few more trees are left to take down as we wait for the land disturbance permit. Some of the larger oak tree trunks are being hauled away in 20 foot sections by a wood worker to make a variety of different products. There have been a fair number of tulip poplars with hollow cores that make for a very dangerous tree. All in all the change over from random patch of trees to premiere paddle tennis area is going to be a massive positive for our property!