Not a great week of weather, next week looks better

Last Saturday the tropical storm drifted a little west and just parked over top of Manakin Sabot. We had more than a few loyal blog readers report back over 5 inches of rain all around the golf course. The bunkers held up for the most part and our continued drainage and aeration work continues to pay dividends! With some 50 degree nights and no sun all week the bermuda was not moving anywhere. We don't have many days left where we can fool around with sod so we went after 7 blue tee this week. This tee was severely crowned so level teeing space was limited. 6 Sabot black tee also benefitted as the first move was actually to level that tee as well and then move the sod from 7 blue to 6 black. The rest of the sod from 7 blue and the surround was used to patch up little spots in the rough around the Sabot. We have upgraded our laser level to a dual plane laser which makes things a lot easier in the tee building arena. Instead of a flat plane and having to adjust the receiver up and ...