We almost got out of this week quietly
Last Saturday nights 1" of rain set us up for a great holiday weekend and subsequent short week. Our growth regulators are doing their job on all our fine cut surfaces and we have been able to just barely keep up with mowing.
We had everything dialed in nicely for the 81st Tommy Galloway until a pretty intense thunderstorm popped up with a few holes left in the first round.
Almost and inch of rain fell inside of 30 minutes.
Pretty much every green was under water for a few minutes. Eventually the sand cavity filled up and the water started draining quickly out the bottom. Thank goodness for our greens fans. With the sun out this afternoon it is an absolute steam bath where ever the fans are not blowing. Speaking of fans, no one should really be turning these fans off during the day. The absolute most rotten thing a golfer can do is turn the fan off, and then not turn it back on! On the newest fans we can prevent the golfer from turning them off but on the ones that a few years old we are subject to the absent minded. Please help us get these greens through the summer successfully!
With the sun out the guys busted through the Manakin bunkers and raked them back out inside of an hour.
An inch of rain washed down the drain and the second round is off with just a 30 min delay. Play on and enjoy the weekend!