Verticutting into the heat wave

The weather was perfect this week for our annual verti-cutting and topdressing of the Manakin short grass. Everyone was moving quickly on Monday and we started out by scalping all the tees, approaches and fairways down about .150" lower than their normal mowing height. We also scalped down one single pass around the bentgrass greens in an effort to kill any remaining Poa annua in the collars. The triplex verticutter took care of all the turf around the greens where the big machines could not get into. The big machines took to the other 50 acres of Latitude short cut and took all three days to get around. The vertical blades rip through the existing thatch of the bermuda and pull up a hefty amount of material. As the bermuda grows, dead stems and leaves contribute to the thatch layer and the turf as a whole can become puffy and scalp at a normal mowing height. Employing the verticutters mid season allows us to produce a quality surface for the rest of year. David ran the dethatchi...