Spring is our ugliest season! Manakin greens aeration set for Monday & Tuesday

Just like every other spring, while the redbuds, cherries, dogwoods and tall fescue are showing off, our bermuda is the ugly duckling. If you want to see where issues with shade are or where it's wet vs dry all winter, or where we sprayed post emerge herbicide for poa, or where the poa is breaking through our pre emerge, or where the most cart traffic is, then it is all on display. On this last day of March we are actually still ahead of the game in comparison to last year. Over the next few weeks we will continue to green up and the mowers will even things out quickly as our season begins! The Sabot greens are recovering nicely despite a few more nights in the 40's. The 80 degree temps next week should help close up these already small holes. The same exact process will be performed on the Manakin greens this coming Monday. On Tuesday everyone will play the front of Sabot to the front of Manakin and then Wednesday we will be back to 27 holes open. The Sabot back nine will op...