Drainage time
We continue to get hit with rain and it has now been over a month since we have had more than 3 days in a row without some sort of precipitation. This week we got fed up with 13 fairway not draining and just went for it in the face of mother nature. Using our fancy plastic mats we laid out paths for our trencher and progators and went to work.
Last year we had put drainage here in 13 fairway but it was with a smaller trencher that went shallow and we tried to just use gravel and sand, no pipe. This area has proved to be extremely wet this year so we went back in with the big trencher, cutting a 20 inch deep trench. We have tightened up the spacing of the trench lines and expanded outwards as well. This work will continue into next week as we cut some more lines on the left side of the fairway in order to answer any questions about this area being wet ever again.
Water has been pouring out 13 fairway since we started cutting trenches. The drain lines will be filled up with gravel and pipe. The gravel will come all the way to the top of the trench so that the winter rains can't wash out the work. This spring we will more than likely come back, pull some gravel out in favor of sand and then sod over the top of the trench so that this landing area is playable for the season.
Now if we can get the sun angle to come up a bit we would be in business!
The capillary concrete was finished up on #2 on Monday. All of these bunkers now have fresh sand in them and are in play. We'll continue to pack the new sand in (with the help of the rain) over the next few weeks. If you can't tell, projects like the bunker renovation and now drainage work takes the bulk of the staff to get it done. Normal conditions like bunker raking on a daily basis certainly fall to the wayside as we look to get these beneficial projects done.
The back patio guys are moving along now that they have their gravel base down. They are getting 9 trucks of concrete down this week which will finish up the slab. Stone work starts next week and more of the roof will be going up.
These fancy concrete planter boxes separate the main level from the lower level. We have plumbed pipe in to irrigate these boxes and have now submitted our annual flower order to be delivered in May. We have a number of perennial and annual plantings, for opening and for the summer in the works here for the patio.
The bridge on 3 Sabot green was replaced this week with new wood. The new transition up and down is much smoother than the old bridge.
Pete is forming up an area in front of our sand bins for concrete next week. This pad will house our drainage gravel and keep it away from the sand to reduce contamination.
Ian has started his painting project which involves painting our old buildings to match the color of the new buildings. Our facility continues to improve each year and should be looking more professional come spring!
If you haven't been over to the front 9 of Sabot lately, it is worth a look. You guys have driven the chaff off of the Latitude of the Manakin and meanwhile the vamont on the Sabot is looking great. Anyone would be very hard pressed to call the Sabot any more wet than the Manakin is. Spread out the wear a bit and go put on some Pure Eclipse!