Cool, fall like temperatures are here already, and they might even stick around! We have been able to mow through these smaller rain storms and overall the golf courses could not be happier.
We anticipated some rain on Monday afternoon so all 39 greens were mowed and then topdressed with a medium amount of dry topdressing from our fancy dry sand bin.
Wetting agents to keep water moving through the upper profile along with the fungicides that have been keeping our root pythium at bay this year were sprayed right on top of the sand.
An eighth of an inch of water was applied immediately behind the fungicides so that they would not dry on the leaf and allow them to get into the profile where they can protect our bentgrass roots. The sand washed in as well thanks to the irrigation and the following rain.

You can still barely see the topdressing on the greens. They have firmed up a bit with the change in humidity and that is already making a big difference in ballmarks and playability. These greens have never been healthier for mid-August!
As we prepare for the top Mid-Amateur's in the state to play this weekend in the Valentine Invitational, the crew is grinding through plenty of detail work including smoothing the bunker floors and rolling the faces.
John and David tackled a 6 inch mainline leak on 17 Sabot early this week. This is where the entire fairway loop hooked into the mainline so it took a big hole to lift out the worn out tee. John capped the loop and just repaired the mainline in a straight fix. Only two months left to rely on these 30 year old pipes.

In preparation for the back nine greens resurfacing, we have met with our architect Andrew Green and the Green Committee to discuss improving 12 Sabot green. Everyone agrees that two things can happen here before the Pure Eclipse goes down. First, the right side collar between the green and the bunker can be shaved down a few inches so that balls don't bond to the left as much. Second, the middle left part of this green can come up some 6-10 inches. This will prevent balls from funneling in to the stream and will most likely get us a few more pin positions here. The green edge will change a bit, coming in first and then going out close to the fan. The fan will be moved backwards so that it is a little less obtrusive. This will be the first place we go October 31st!

Come out and watch some great golf this weekend!