As hot as it gets but rain is here
After a very hot and dry weekend the golf course has enjoyed 1.5" of rain this week. The Latitude was dried down and playing fast but after the rain has greened right back up and is looking amazing.
It was the Sabot's turn for verticutting this week. The two tractor verticutters made it through all 18 fairways on Monday before the thunderstorms came through. The vertical blades rip up a ton of thatch, making room for topdressing and helping keep our upper layer firm.
The tees and approaches were also thinned out with our triplex verticutter.
200 tons of sand went down behind the clean up crews. This sand not only helps dry up the surface but it continues to build a healthy top layer that can support quality golf play year round.
The quick hitting thunderstorms washed in the sand nicely. These vamont surfaces will mow out in pretty good shape for the weekend. The height of cut on the back nine fairways now match the front nine at just under half an inch. The back nine continues to fill in but the sod truck will be back in a few weeks to finish patching up the overseed voids.
The two day closure allowed us to put down our monthly application of gypsum and potassium to the greens. The rain washed it in nicely.
The Pure Eclipse continues to the handle the heat well, especially for its first summer. The roots are still the deepest on the property! Can you believe we only have 94 days before the back nine project begins?!?