Some major employee tenure milestones this July
Kevin Gibson, one of our lead operators on the Manakin has now worked here for 25 years!
Dunstano, our head mechanic has now worked here for 20 years! Both Dunstano and Kevin are integral parts of our team and we can't thank the membership enough for allowing us to take care of them over the years!
The Manakin fairways have healed up nicely from the verticutting and sand topdressing two weeks ago. This is prime time for the latitude bermuda, these surfaces are playing firm and as consistent as absolutely possible.
With the bermuda loving life, that means a little faster action on some detail items like edging tee plaques and sprinkler heads. This is almost a constant task through the heat of the summer.
120 6 foot square plots are laid out on the putting surface. Some have had no fungicide treatments at all, some have the absolute best products available and some have experimental products. Being that this green will be stripped up and replaced on November 1st, we were happy to provide some research data to Virginia Tech. So far, what we are solidifying for our own fungicide program is that even inside this 4,320 square feet, there is significant variability on how effective fungicides are depending on where they are on the green. This variability is attributed to the greens construction, how each little patch of bentgrass has developed over the years and what the specific microclimate may be in that certain spot. What does that all that mean? It means we have to stay on our toes and use every possible fungicide available on a weekly basis to keep our bentgrass alive through the summer. So in summary, all we do is ask you to fix your ballmarks, will we tread on the edge of scientific fungicide breakthroughs to keep your greens putting smoothly!