And even more snow
The snow came down pretty hard on Sunday morning. There were a few places that easily saw 5 inches of accumulation.
The snow is pretty but wow is it wet out there. There are a few greens left with snow on them today but most everything should be open for golf (and more rain) tomorrow. All wheels will have to stay on the path through the weekend. That means power push carts as well as manual carts. It is just too wet for anything other than foot traffic.
This week was also the week of our national conference. You know, the one where the national championship golf tournament was supposed to be in Palm Springs and the education event was supposed to be in Las Vegas. But here we are doing virtual education looking at snow from the window. The virtual education is actually working nicely however. We are able to access way more updated content than before. The main downside being not seeing our friends across the industry but that can wait. It was great to see a common phrase used around our shop show up on the top rung of this "Accountability" seminar!