Busy, hot and productive
We continue to work our the texture and firmness around the greens on the Manakin. With the heat here to stay, we moved the verticutter that we normally use on the greens over to the latitude. At the same working depth, the verticutter churned out plenty of material.
After the verticutter we followed up with another topdressing. The upper profile in the greens surrounds is starting to firm up nicely. We want the ball moving around these greens and for the lie to be predictable.
We are still trying to get the new tees on the Manakin to soften up a little. We aerated them again this week and applied more gypsum, granulated compost and sand. The idea is to build up another growing matter layer so that you can get your tee in the ground and so we can get the tee marker in the ground.
A few emails have come through about the "bees" in the bunkers. These insects are actually horse guard wasps and they will not sting you. They are beneficial wasps that hunt down horse flies which is appreciated by horses and humans. The wasps find dry sandy places in the summer (bunkers) to lay eggs for a few weeks and then they leave. They come every year and we have yet to have a report of someone getting stung. Just in case, try to avoid the bunkers!
We did a little heavy lifting behind the clubhouse this week. The view from the back patio has long been obstructed.
We cleaned up a few trees and now you can see the lake and 18 much better.
Next up was cleaning up the juniper hill and doing something under these tables and chairs before it turned in to mud.
They don't call it juniperus horizontalis for nothing.
The excavator made quick work of the juniper and we transplanted it to a better spot, upside down in the dump. SIX (!) golf balls were buried here under the juniper.
Some fresh mulch, a few asters, salvia and two boulders that we had at the shop cleaned things up nicely.
The area around the tables was excavated and we leveled 3 spots for the tables to go on a more permanent basis. 3 paver circle kits were delivered from Stone Center and their 10 foot diameter works nicely.
Not bad for two days of work. We are happy to contribute to the outdoor dining experience!