We have moisture, still waiting on temperatures
We continue to enjoy managing our cool season turf in this cool and wet spring. All of the tees on the Sabot were solid tine aerated on Monday. The more we can help the bluegrass root in, the better chance it has of making it through the summer and into the fall again.
We were also able to apply a heavy amount of topdressing on the tees and brush it into the holes. The sand will help smooth and firm the surface while preserving more air space in the profile to aid in root growth.
We also ran our new PlanetAir machines over the Sabot greens on Monday. As you can see from the above, there is very minimal disruption to the surface with these machines while a nice amount of air is being allowed about 2.5 inches down into the profile.
The Manakin greens were done with the PlanetAir last week. You can see in an old knife hole how new white roots are being initiated. This is an obvious positive for overall health but the reduction and improvement in thatch helps keep the surface firm.
We continue to apply light amounts of sand to the greens and brush it into the profile on Mondays. While the weather is cool we try to apply the full court press to greens health and texture improvement.
A huge thanks goes out to Alan Reed and Rick Hall this week for helping fill divots on the Sabot. They made it all the way through the front nine and then went home and had a nice nap! The dedication and support from the membership, especially Alan and Rick, during this time has been wonderful, thank you!
The new bunkers on the Sabot continue to hold up extremely well with all the rain! These new additions are a massive time saver after heavy storms.
Here is your weekly, "It's still too cold for bermuda" picture. Our average went up 2 points this week at least. Next week still looks cool but things are progressing.
We are trying to be patient with these areas that have been set back around the greens. The rain today is actually helping and we have been putting down nutrients that are helping with green up.
There is green in most of these areas but some spots we are already tired of waiting around. Despite not even having a real mowing down on the bermuda yet, the time to come swap some spots out with sod is coming. This has been a slow spring, and as we really finish the grow in, we are going to learn where the shaded, high traffic areas are and what spots don't like certain pre-emerge treatments in the winter. It is all a process and we will continue to improve!
We have just moved over 3 inches of rain for the week. Here is the link that gives you direct access to our weather station mounted on the back of the golf shop. You can track temperature, rainfall and all kinds of data in real time:
Stay dry!