Still dry!

We have gotten pretty lucky with the dry weather so the bunker project is moving along. The bunkers through 14 are filled up. The first bunker on 15 is in the process of being filled while the second is waiting for a little bit more capillary concrete.

16 is ready for capillary concrete to be poured. Two trucks are set for Friday which should finish off 15, 16 and 17.

The excavator is on 18! We should be able to have everything buttoned down by the end of next week.

We have yet to put a load of old bunker sand up at the dump area. We have been leveling and expanding our parking pad at the shop area with all the debris. Two new shelves have made an unusable hill usable.

We have pretty much finished our pruning and tree work for the winter. There are few loose ends that will be taken care of over the next two weeks but the bulk is thankfully finished up. Some of these trees on the Sabot may have never been pruned. The turf underneath and the trees themselves all will be much healthier.

Even the vamont on the Sabot is starting to show some life already!

On Monday we applied a granular pre-emergent herbicide product to help prevent goosegrass and crabgrass on the greens during the season. The pin flags were used to help ensure the exact application width. The rate was split into four applications, two now and two in about three weeks. Each application was only spreading .65 pounds of product over 1,000 square feet. A light rate and proper spacing should give us a good application and no turf injury. The split applications also allow us to get our aeration done on time this coming Monday. Hopefully mother nature will keep us dry Monday and Tuesday so we can get the aeration all finished.

We have prepped a few areas on the Manakin for sod including this low area between 6 and 13. With the trees limbed up and have one less tree all together we should be able to grow some latitude here this season. It will be exciting to watch the latitude green up again, with the mild winter we should be in great shape in relatively short order.