Just building some roads and bridges

In addition to the prep work going on around 10 and 18 Manakin, we have prepped the gravel road behind 7 green Manakin and connected it to 5 tee. The paving company is scheduled to be on site this coming Monday to mill down a few more spots around the golf shop and on 1 and 9 Sabot. Depending on the weather we will be paving these areas after the milling work is done, it may be next week, it may be the following Monday or Tuesday. Prepping these areas in house reduces the overall cost of the paving work drastically.

Hunter has his team out on 8 Sabot bridge. They are stripping the old lumber all the way down to the steel I beams and rebuilding the bridge with fresh treated pine. The guys plan to be very close to being finished on Friday.

We worked around the weather this week to make some big spray applications for both courses. We applied a variety of pre and post emerge herbicides to the bermudagrass surfaces. Taking advantage of the bermuda being dormant should help finish cleaning up the Poa annua and set us up for a successful year of weed control (mother nature willing).

The disposal area left of 1 Sabot presented a challenge for us this winter as it quickly became inaccessible and essentially full earlier in the year.

It was a jungle of old debris that was ready to be managed properly.

Over the past month we utilized a burn permit and a bulldozer to get things cleaned up, flattened and graded out. We can now manage this large area and have designated areas for wood chips, logs and general debris like aeration plugs, old bunker sand, ornamental grasses, soil and stone. A functional area here is a huge time saver and will help boost production and lower frustration from crew members trying to find a place to dump their debris from the courses.