A short but busy week

After a wet weekend this week started off with a few nice days. The verticutter took a trip around the Sabot greens on Monday, removing a lot of lateral growth and further helping dial in the texture of the turf. A little amount of topdressing went down after the verticutter and was brushed in with our pull behind brush. The greens were mowed in a different direction than the verticutter went and we used the out front brushes to get a nice clean cut. We will continue to work on the texture of the bentgrass greens this fall which helps provide a smoother more consistent roll. We jumped in to a few projects on Monday, the first one being the sink hole on 13 fairway Sabot. There was a spot in the fairway that continued to sink all year. The pipe that you see in the foreground is the culprit. The entire bottom of that piece was rotted out. Luckily each other side of the pipe looked ok, so we were able to just cut the bad part out. A new piece of plastic drain pip...