Plenty of moisture now, enjoy some fall golf!

There is a pretty good lime green hue from the bluegrass seed working on the Sabot. We were able to get our starter fertilizer down before the rains on Monday night. We know it has been soft over here but that moisture has helped our seed crop explode. The mild weather is helping so we will continue pushing this seed along into the winter. The bluegrass establishment is much slower than the rye but once it finishes filling in in the spring it will be here to stay. We hope to put carts back on the fairways Friday but be ready for more rain this weekend.

With bermudagrass growth all but over with we are starting to check off some smaller sod projects before the frost really turns things off. This mulch area on 11 tee Sabot was sodded over to better hold up to rain events and give a nicer walk up to the tee. Check out the color of that Latitude sod from our nursery compared to the Vamont!

On the Manakin the staff has been working through the bunkers again and fine tuning sand depths.

We continue to work on the texture and heights of the greens on both courses. This past Monday the greens were lightly verticut, topdressed, brushed and mowed dry. Health and green speeds have been pretty satisfactory of late. As we finish up with the season ending club championships and events we will look forward to November to possibly pull more tiny cores out of the greens on the Manakin. Continuing to remove organic matter and dilute it with sand will further help firm these greens up and keep them playing well.

Enjoy your weekend!