On to November

We put the first mowing on the new bluegrass seed on the Sabot this week. The rain has helped move the turf along and it really is further along than expected. It will be very interesting to see what it looks like after a few frosts shuts the bermuda down. Either way we should have a really nice surface in early spring and a smooth transition next fall. One surprising thing we have discovered in the bluemuda conversion is how much ryegrass was still hanging out from last years overseed. The dark blotches of grass you can see out on the Sabot are rye that survived the summer. It was basically invisible up to two weeks ago. We will be able to spray out most of it in the spring and it will continue to thin out and die next summer. The lime green tufts of grass on the Manakin are Poa annua. The young bermudgrass here really limits our pre-emergent weed control options for the fall. What is not limited though are the herbicides we can use to take this poa out once the Latitude ...