Quick Tuesday update - Herbicide application is complete!
A rock solid 13 hour day is in the books and the Manakin tees, fairways and rough have been covered with non selective herbicide. Here is the only picture taken from the day as we were all pushing hard to get the golf course covered. All of the trees were sprayed around with the hand gun and every edge where we already have Latitude sod around the greens was precisely sprayed with the gun. This allowed the larger sprayers to make their application quickly and accurately. You can see from some of the herbicide applied last Friday that around the trees the turf is starting to wilt. You can expect the rest of the golf course to start wilting and turning yellow as we enter the weekend. The herbicide dried quickly today and will be safe to play on this weekend. Finishing the application today is a relief and we are ready to push forward with some improvements before sprigging starts July 8th! Look for another update Thursday this week.