Enjoying some favorable spring weather

The fairways on the Sabot have grown in nicely, mainly from the bermudagrass starting to wake up. We will begin fertilizing these fairways to help the bermuda along and then look at starting to take the ryegrass out with herbicide mid-May. We do have our new weather station up and running. On Weather Underground you can search for the KVAMANAK9 station. Select it as a favorite and you will be able to see all kinds of current and past data like temperatures, humidity and rainfall amounts. The station is mounted between the Golf Shop and the cart barn and updates every 60 seconds. Having the station online allows us to watch rainfall in real time which enables us to adjust planning and irrigation schedules accordingly. The bermuda on the Manakin is also starting to wake up. We are just about a month away from our first herbicide application to begin the re-grassing project (May 28th). The next 4 weeks will give the bermuda plenty of time to wake up and be ready to take up th...