Manakin Irrigation wiring complete!

Last week was not very conducive for digging holes but we did manage to get most of #3 completed. The higher February sun angle did a nice job of melting the snow off so come Monday the guys were determined to finish 3 and 4 this week and that is just what they did. Every remaining head to be wired was dug up before lunch on Tuesday. The last few heads getting plowed in by Wil and Kevin. We had wire and solenoids to spare which is a good thing. Our 30 year old repurposed water wick drainage machine survived the task of plowing 80,000 feet of wire in the ground, that is just over 15 miles! Roberto had the honor wiring the 1,260th head into the new wire path. This was a cold and wet winter to be fooling with stripping and connecting wires. Not a day went by where all these guys didn't have a smile on their face making this project happen. The happy group behind the final hole on 4 tees. Another 600 heads this winter were excavated, wired up and backfilled giving us a total of 1,260...