Uncontrollable moisture is the real challenge of summer

It is possible to have too much of a good thing, and in our case now it is rain. We made it through the June drought without much issue but when the rain keeps falling out of the sky we can only rely on existing drainage instead of the irrigation system. Rain has gotten our moisture levels back up as well as the lake level. While the bermuda can take either dry or wet, the bent starts to get tired when saturated conditions persist. Daily mowing and golfer traffic combined with high nighttime temps and high humidity put a burden on the bents ability to photosynthesize and respire (read: stay alive). The fans are a massive help in reducing leaf moisture and humidity on the greens. This is easily a year where you could justify a fan on every green, especially the putting greens! With rain on the way this week, Amelia and I snuck out of the house on Sunday night and were able to spread some sand on the Manakin greens. Topdressing this time of the year helps the surface dry up a...