June was not left out of summer this year

The last two weeks have been pretty special as summer has come on quickly. 14 out of the 24 days in June so far the temperature has clicked above 90 and two of those we were at 100 and 101 degrees. This is all without any kind of significant rain in the past month! The thunderstorms were cruising north last night as we went to sleep again with no rain hitting the turf. We did however wake up this (Thursday) morning with close to a half inch in the gauge and clouds in the sky, a welcome relief to the past few weeks. The pumphouse has been cranking water out each night and we are using all of our irrigation system to the greatest of its ability. Water consumption thanks to all of our recent irrigation renovations has drastically decreased while accuracy and consistency has gone way up. The results are great looking golf courses while your lawn has long entered dormancy. The dry weather has allowed us to reduce mowing frequency and get a few more people on hoses to hit localiz...