Happy Summer

The beast has awoken! The bermuda is back and has quickly started to show off. The heat, humidity and moisture are finally optimal to put these courses in great playing condition. In the same breath that we talk about how good the bermuda is we will also see the bentgrass green speeds slow down a touch. Having the the humidity reach into the 80's and 90's is much different than what we observed all spring. Cool temperatures and low humidity help produce a very thin leaf blade that gave us amazing greens speeds all spring. With humidity up to summer levels the plant will retain that moisture since the outside air is already saturated with moisture. We apply a variety of different nutrients that help increase transpiration but the main goal remains to keep these greens healthy through the summer. One major help in increasing moisture transfer is the use of our fans. All 20 of our fans are out on the golf courses. The 5 oldest fans that were on the Sabot have been retired and ...