Still cold! Manakin solid tine complete

In case you thought it had been cold this month, you are correct. We will close out the third coldest May over the last 14 years in a few days. The weekend weather looks miserable enough that we may even see our current average temp drop into the 63's like 2016 and 2020. We are supposed to pick up 9 degrees from April to May and we only got 3! Good for the greens, NOT good for the bermuda! We stripped up another 18,000 square feet of bermuda that didn't make it into 2023 early in the week. Half of that bermuda has been replaced with turf type tall fescue. All in shaded moist areas like here behind 3 Manakin as well as behind 5 Manakin and near 5 Sabot approach. It was wonderful to have the Manakin closed two days in a row in order to solid tine aerate all the short grass. Three tractor aerators poked 3" deep holes over about 50 acres of fairways and tees. These holes will help rooting through the summer and water infiltration. The walk behind aerators got any tight ar...