Closing out April cool and dry

April is always a frustrating month for bermudagrass. It greens up and then just sits there thanks to cooler temperatures and this time around, dry weather. This year is actually the first year in a long time that the back nine of the Sabot has come into spring without some sort of overseeding. The bermuda on these shaded holes is inherently weak thanks to that over seeding history and then combine cleaning out the Poa in March and here we are. The temps will come and by the time the kids are ready to jump in the pool at the end of May we'll be off and running. The newer variety of bermudagrass on the collar on 7 Sabot decided it didn't want to survive the winter. This area was sodded last spring after the greens renovation. Just the small difference between height of cut on the collar vs rough was enough to make a difference in resilience and getting through the winter. We stole some sod from left of the tees on 17 Manakin to get this area back into play quickly. Sod from ...