Fans are running, bermuda is growing

All 19 fans are up and running now across our 39 greens. As temperatures rise into July and August (especially at night) these fans help keep the bentgrass about 10 degrees cooler which is right along the margin of life and death. The pure eclipse seems to be hitting its stride however as the temperatures go up. On 7 Sabot we poked the same holes that the Manakin received last week. After the modifications here there are a few spots that still need some time to smooth out. This quick aeration, blow and roll should help it along and keep these bumps from scalping. The sod work at the entrance is finished up and will root in quickly. 16 tee is also sodded over with Latitude bermuda. It is amazing how bad this sod looks from the sod farm and after getting transported on a truck about 60 miles. It is either pay more for good looking sod or just wait a week for this sod to figure itself out which results in having more funds for.......more sod. Our sprayer building is now insulated an...