The rain finally came, weekend looking good

We have had quite a swing in the weather over the past 7 days. From being extremely dry and the mercury trying to touch 100 degrees last weekend, we now are on saturated soils and struggling to get to 70 degrees. The true mark of the growing season is seeing the pool open for business which happens this weekend. Our team finished up the annual flower planting at the pool last Friday, putting in a few 100 more warm season plants. The rains came on Tuesday and washed out our aeration and composting plan on the Manakin. The solid tine aeration process is a slow one so losing a day was not helpful. This is the only time during the year that we punch holes in the bermuda. We are at a thin gap between pre-emerge weed applications so we try to quickly punch some holes for root growth and water infiltration before crabgrass and goosegrass decide its their turn to cause trouble. The compost went flying first thing Monday and thanks to a relatively dry day, we got 11 holes completed. After...