Manakin short grass verticut and topdress complete

Our verticutting process got started quickly this past Monday. We made it through 14 before the rains came on Tuesday and brought this beautiful weather in to town. The verticutters were set about an inch deep. The process tears old thatch (dead stems and roots) out of the surface which is essential for healthy bermuda growth. The cleanup process is an amazing chore considering we verticut all 55 acres of short turf. Blowers move the debris into the rough and then our sweepers pick up the windrows and it is transported to the dump. A little over 400 tons of sand was spread out evenly through the fairways, approaches and tees. The sand fills in the verticut lines and helps keep the surface firm and water moving quickly. When the sun is out the sand dries quickly and brushes right in. The turf is again blown off, then lightly watered (or rained on!), then blown off again and then mowed. The finished product is beautiful from an agronomic perspective. From the golfer perspective thi...