Hot and Muggy one more time

On our 500 acre property we have about 15 acres that can be classified as cool season. Every other plant loves the heat, especially when there is moisture in the ground. The landscaping around the club has come on strong over the past few weeks. The butterflies are moving around and any bees that you see are busy working to collect pollen, they don't have time to bother you! We are still a month away from the one year anniversary of re-opening the Manakin. The decision to move to bermudagrass and away from cool season could not have come at a better time. The consistency of the Latitude is amazing through the heat of the summer. There is no hand watering, no fungicides and no worry of too much stress when the heat is on. We continue to nurse our bentgrass greens through the latter part of the summer. With a lot of our seasonal staff headed "back to school" we have the triplex back in action on the greens. The triplex uses one, maybe two people, while walk mowing necessi...